Monday, May 12, 2008

Ted Strickland, Tim Kaine, Bill Richardson, Janet Napolitano?

  1. Ted Strickland
  2. Tim Kaine
  3. Bill Richardson
  4. Janet Napolitano

That's what Shawn Wasson thinks.

Strickland gets it is for his animal shooting virtues (big National Rifle Association rating).

Kaine sees a few points because he was a Catholic missionary. Unsure why he sees that as a virtue in a society that hates candidate's to admit they are Christian, let alone missionaries. How long did Mike Huckabee last? Democrats, though love to hate religion, but love to hit the pulpit as election time with shouts of "We shall overcome."

Richardson wins a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T for his international experience, Obama's greatest weakness.

Napolitano gets it, I'm guessing, for the gender vote. Hillary's lost the gender battle with Obama's metrosexual vote block, and that she polarizes the otherwise liberal national media drops her from true contention. Napolitano gets the token female spot by virtue of her job as Arizona governor.


Anonymous said...

Richardson. He has that foreign policy experience and strong pull among Hispanic voters that could bring in even Texas and secure Nevada and New Mexico, although I doubt Florida could be conquered even with this running mate. Too many retired people and Cuban conservatives make up a hard base to cut into.

Do you think that Napolitano would bring on more women and Arizona? I don't. Obama has garnered support from women for his own personal merits and is pretty much maxxed in this demographic sector. The rest want Clinton so badly, or do not want Obama, that no other woman will sway them.

A said...

The AZ connection will help Napolitano, though I do not believe the Democrats are open, when all is said and done, to a female in the White House any more than the Republicans are.

Richardson makes sense, though it might come down to more than experience, but sheer statistical likelihood of help. McCain is not going to be a walkover, so Obama will need to look at demographics in detail, by geography, more than most prior candidates.

Just like whe John Kerry won the primary, when it boiled to the nub, his followers ultimately did not come through thanks to concern regarding Iraq. They like Kerry in theory, but insecurity about his willingness to use the military won Bush the re-election.

PFunkster said...

I am definitely for Obama/Richardson. I believe that Obama and Richardson share similar backgrounds and visions for the country, Richardson brings a lot of experience to the ticket, Richardson helps Obama win the Hispanic vote and, if I remember correctly, Richardson also has a 100% NRA record. He's both a good match for Obama and a great way to balance the ticket. Obama/Richardson is the real dream ticket.